Joshua Bird


—from H O L L Y W O O D L A N D by Joshua Bird



[page 4]

R A I S E Y O U R hand if you’d like to be excused
raise your hand if you’d like to be an excuse!

an exclamation is or is not a raised hand
raise your hand if you like F I C T I O N 

T O be an excuse among the overgrown 

test tubing throughout the day-to-day anal cavity
control center and the uncertain cartesian 
theater maintaining our spectacles 

A N A B N O R M A L locus an abnormal A P P L A U S E
applause tries its raised hand at being endless

and entitled 

T H E A U D I E N C E 
succumbing to the see-through 
is see-through 

with effort
we C A N S T O P T H E N A R R A T I V E 

dead in its syntax
or in a real-life reader. whichever comes first

three voyeurs use agoraphobia
had they heard this one 

before their walls were at large 
A C H E A P O P L O T is better than T H I S bullshit

this bullshit is the F O U R T H W A L L
my abstractions got in the way

my abstractions done 

to raise fiction by hand 


[page 7]

The idea became anonymous to history. Antithetical to most advertising budgets. All possible coincidental hubris defenestrates. Fiction foregoing fiction. It took a mild-mannered century for the billboard to mature into perfection. Afterward the invention regressed to infancy. A mouth. The repetitions took flight. Moths came under scrutiny. Who couldn’t be attracted to that many bright ideas.


[page 19]

there a fourth wall problem 
reaches for the cheap seats

there W E sent cronies
to distance ourselves from two

bodies at rest 
we will need L E F T overs
to trickle through an ancient

E T Y M O L O G Y 
a noir 

all readers are future
A L L V I E W E R S H I P is future


there a F O U R T H W A L L proposition 
to climb upon 

and a new lens an abstract abattoir 
all the unfaltering angles 

of a real-life viewer 
fades into focus

right on cue 
all the mileage to survey 

the new writing
if the writing is fast enough

a word nears lightspeed 
thresholds question
a telescope can spot
us in a lifetime
dear future reader
dear lens and dear meadow

I have written this in shadow 

with no other way to fall

[page 22]

… and now the moment we’ve all been waiting for. For further highlights, see the detached appendix. Please highlight the text you wish to donate. To donate the text, please highlight your favorite blank space, letter, word, phrase or section. Full pages are not

accepted at this time. How much interpretation can be held within
your modern-day

[page 26]

A billboard, an eclipse of moths over a sign and one more way the I
will evolve to spot itself in the wilderness. A century since the
billboard perfected itself in the wild.


Joshua Bird continues to saturate the I of his I with a salvaged IBM Selectric II typewriter. His ontological speaking voice will misfire before our very eyes. He once was a mild-mannered birth certificate before the dawn of the red herring. When not writing, he can be found sleeping in a simulacrum. Visit for further self-defenestration.