
[ P O E T R Y ]



the bite is immediately followed by a local pain


teeth bright

quick first, sweet

fruit and venom

to flirt, fangs

hook, groove, hollow

i crank my jaw

open, wider

than my waist

the warmer the woman

the faster she’ll go down

i’ve just enough

ribs to take her

in, toxins

to clot her blood

i swallow, i



Livia Meneghin (she/her) is the author of the chapbook Honey in My Hair. Her individual poems and reviews have found homes in The Academy of American Poets, tenderness lit, Entropy Magazine, Tinderbox, So to Speak, Whale Road Review, and elsewhere. She earned her MFA at Emerson College, where she is now affiliated faculty for Writing Studies and Program Coordinator for EmersonWRITES.

Livia Meneghin