
[ P O E T R Y ]



The Pink Mountain


Not that it matters but I’m glad

the world exists and the trees

bloom and fade and storm clouds

carve themselves in to and out

of nothing

and the mountain the pink one

hovering few meters above the

wavering room of mind

dilated against the dawn

the pink dawn eludes

and having been there and elsewhere

I know what I once knew the cities

the ocean the endless green and grey

fading blooming stumbling backwards

to greet the century

with solitary grace wild comprehension

compressed into figure and whiplashed

into here yet never to stay here

in the sweetness of a moment ago

a pinkness lost


Kyle Seamus Brosnihan is a Filipino-American poet currently an MFA candidate in Poetry at Brooklyn College. Originally from Nebraska, he is now living and teaching in Brooklyn. He is the Arts Editor for the Brooklyn Review. His poetry has been published in The Mantle, Interpret Magazine, The Empty House Review, Always Crashing, Boston Accent Lit, and elsewhere. His poems 'Empire' and 'Martha,' were nominated for Best of The Net Awards. 'Martha' was voted Poem of the Year by the Brooklyn Poets in 2020. His first full-length play, 'The Performance,' premiered off-Broadway in March of 2020. His work was longlisted for Frontier Poetry’s 2021 Award for New Writers.

Kyle Seamus Brosnihan