
[ P O E T R Y ]



The Paradox of Being


Entropy as I understand it. 
The educated discuss their existence 
and desire to understand the meaning of it, 
the ignorant discuss their singleness in the existence, 
both are discussing the same thing. 
What is happening to me and why? 
All action is voluntary and inspires emotion, 
the energy needed for motion. 
How much energy is needed for motion? 
Your desire to understand is your meaning to understand your desire. 
I like surprises. 
Why would I reduce a surprise's impact? 
Maybe, reduction of consistent surprise? 
Stable relationships feel good.
What comes with the surprise of existence?
I like voluntary surprises, too.
That's why failure feels so good—I didn't expect it. 
Micro-narratives in under 1 minute! 
It's all meaningless no matter how often you talk about it. 
The discussion of meaninglessness.
Deep thinkers wear suits to look smarter.
Geniuses wear nothing to be vulnerable.
Ignorance’s teacher is society.
Look at all the things I can explain. Your best guess is true, with limited data.
Everything I make up is true
because now the thought of it exists in the reality I have created.
Hypothesize your way to the truth. 
Freehand-cutting paper with scissors will create unique shapes that reflect my preconceived ideas of a shape, 
what if I cut it, and said that's the best it could be at this moment?
The subtle cough as a speech delay,
to give me a pause to organize my thoughts to sound more organized. 
Conscious people are mentally organized about their existence, 
the irony of the brain trying to understand itself, 
We understand ourselves through our relationship with the moments we create.
I see dead people, and I have met many Spirit guides. 
Spirits interact with me to guide me, test me, correct me, penetrate me, and teach me new ways of being.
A Voodoo woman in New Orleans told me once that I could speak to the living and the dead.
The plants and the animals. There was nothing without energy that I could not speak life to. 
The mirror of consciousness is the awakening that I am the person in the mirror. 
The best rooms are rooms where I understand nothing that's being said 
because then I'm forced to learn new understandings and ways to push limits, 
90% is not impossible, 10% is the realm of safety, 
the edge of reasoning is important to your being, 
the edge of brilliant thought is the beginning of a new one.
Trust your instinct through questioning 
the invalidness of nihilistic thoughts. In 100 years, I disappear. 
The only thing that survives time and space is experience, and what I create. 
In the old woman's backyard, I was a little girl helping to rebuild a burned-down sanctuary, and then, the moment I looked outside, a lightning bolt struck the yard! 
The wider time frame means nothing
and the truth, there is no fixed reality. 
Don't lose your mind thinking about it, 
release your fantasy of anger, it produces vengeance.
The brain predicts its own existence for the sake of the vessel's survival to continue 
the questioning.
What do I predict?
Selective attention.
"The here and now, or the there and then", John Vervaeke.
Dialogue at the level of the vessel.
The vessel is an instrument and wants to express the processing, 
the play of the existence.
When something goes wrong, consciousness jumps in— 
Ah! A stroke of genius, 
a new question to answer. 
Challenge my existence with questions, and I will find an answer. 
There are no problems that I can not create with. 
Philosophers think about creation, 
artists create what they think about;
one creates for the other to think— 
Two sides of the brain reflected in society.
Adverbial qualia.
The grounds of being. 
There is nothing to grip on, 
the Alpha and the Omega, 
where I end, I begin, 
I am the beginning and the end. 
I am.


Anjëlika Perry, who goes by the stage name “The Goddess of Love”, is a motivational speaker, poet, performance artist, and author of the debut book “The Oasis of Transformation”, a collection of poetry, artwork, and quotes. She considers poetry and observation semantically related and important when expressing herself through art. Anjëlika takes her life’s more challenging experiences and transmutes them through words and imagery guiding the audience on a spiritual journey through the sources of her inspiration.

Anjëlika Perry