TILT0003 Douglas Piccinnini


“Soundtrack to a Film Called Harold”

Author’s Note: "Soundtrack to a Film Called Harold," is like a daydream: I composed a soundtrack with nine tracks for a fictional movie called "Harold." This imaginary film is based on an imaginary novel called Harold That Which Is; in my dream this book was optioned into a very average movie. This is the soundtrack.*

*All music featured in 'Soundtrack to a Film Called Harold' is original, and the copyright for the compositions belongs to the author, except for orchestration featured on "Harold Goes to the Cinema," which features sections of Mantovani's "Manhattan Serenade." 


Douglas Piccinnini is the author of Beautiful, Safe & Free (New Books), Blood Oboe (Omnidawn) and Story Book: a novella (The Cultural Society), as well as numerous chapbooks. His recent work has appeared or is forthcoming with the American Poetry Review, Brooklyn Rail, The Champagne Room, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Fence, Lana Turner, Mercury Firs, MQR, Prelude, and Volt